Person Centred Care — ASN Events

Person Centred Care (#176)

Toni Rice 1 , Debra Kay 2 , Louise Wiles 2
  1. ADEA, Woden, ACT, Australia
  2. International Centre for Allied Health Evidence (iCAHE), University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA

This workshop provides a brief overview of the ADEA Person Centred Care Project and resources and introduces the new ADEA Person-Centred Care Self-Evaluation Tool.

The ADEA Person Centred Care Project is seeking to develop and sustain person centred and health literate practices in every aspect of the work of a diabetes educator so that:

1. Consumers are prepared and get the outcome they want when they meet with their CDE

2. Consumers are equipped and supported to make health services work for them

3. CDEs enable consumers to prepare for and get the best out of their meetings and other contacts with the health system, and the wider community as relevant

4. Policy makers and service managers are inclusive of person centred diabetes care models and health literate services.

In 2014-2015 ADEA undertook an extensive review of international literature, and consulted with diabetes educators and consumers, to inform development of two information sheets: Person Centred Care for people with diabetes and Health Literacy for people with diabetes. This work provided the foundation for a range of resources and activities. One of the resources is an evaluation tool to enable:

·         CDEs to monitor their person centred practices are and highlight areas for improvement

·         Consumers to assess their experience of person-centred care with a practitioner, service or team.

This workshop will showcase the innovative development of this unique evidence-based tool and invite participants to share their views about its relevance to their practice and the provision of person-centred diabetes care in Australia.