Rinaldo Bellomo — ASN Events

Rinaldo Bellomo

Austin Health, VIC, Australia

Rinaldo Bellomo, MBBS, MD, FCICM, FRACP is Professor of Medicine with the University of Melbourne, Honorary Professor of Medicine with Monash University, Honorary Professor of Medicine with the University of Sydney and Concurrent Professor with the University of Nanjing, NHRMC Practitioner Fellow, Principal Research Fellow, Howard Florey Institute, University of Melbourne, Director of Intensive Care Research and Staff Specialist in Intensive Care at the Austin Hospital, Melbourne. He is the Founding Chairman of the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Clinical Trials Group and the current Co-chair of the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Research Centre. He has received >60 national and international awards, co-managed NHMRC grants for a total of >35 million, has delivered lectures at >150 national and international conferences and has authored more than 800 PubMed cited papers. He is editor in chief of Critical Care and Resuscitation, the official journal of the ANZ College of Intensive Care Medicine.