Leonie Callaway
Royal Brisbane And Women's Hospital, ACT, Australia
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Professor Leonie Callaway works as an Obstetric Physician and Interim Director of Research in Women’s and Newborn Services at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. She was Chief Investigator for the NHMRC funded SPRING study, examining the role probiotics might play in preventing gestational diabetes. She is profoundly grateful to work in a caring and compassionate team with Prof David McIntyre, Dr Marloes Dekker, Dr Helen Barrett, Ms Katie Foxcroft, A/Prof Victoria Eley, A/Prof Karin Lust, Dr Penny Wolski, Dr Ann-Maree Craven, Dr Fiona Britten, Dr Amanda Beech and many others. She is thrilled to report that in 2017, the Obstetric Medicine Research Team based at RBWH won a district wide “Research Excellence Award” for their contribution to complex health challenges. The odd glass of champagne may have been involved…
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Maternal Obesity: new insights (#368)
12:15 PM
Leonie Callaway
ADS & ADIPS Skip Martin Conjoin Plenary Lectures