Tim Adams
CSIRO Manufacturing, VIC, Australia

Dr. Adams leads the Molecular Biology team in the Biomedical Manufacturing Program, CSIRO. Originally trained in immunology, he has extensive expertise in molecular and cell biology, in particular with respect to growth factors and their receptors, with an emphasis on members of the epidermal growth factor (EGFR) and insulin/insulin-like growth factor receptor families. A major focus of his research in has been the development of novel, engineered therapeutic proteins, including antibodies, for the treatment of a variety of diseases including cancer, diabetes and eye disease. This work has involved collaborative partnerships with major biomedical research institutes (Baker IDI, WEHI) as well local and international biotechnology companies. More recently he has developed an interest in the use of members of the sortase family of enzymes for applications in the area of site-specific conjugation of recombinant proteins. He is a co-inventor on four patents. Two therapeutic proteins that form the basis for two of these patents are currently in clinical trials.