Sarah Glastras
Royal North Shore Hospital, NSW, Australia
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.
- Endocrinologist

Dr Sarah Glastras is a clinician-researcher, who works as an Endocrinologist at Royal North Shore Hospital and consults in a busy private endocrinology practice in the North Shore of Sydney. She completed her PhD studies in 2016 at the Kolling Institute, University of Sydney on the role of maternal obesity in predisposing offspring towards chronic kidney disease. She continues to work towards unfolding the mechanisms underlying the association between maternal obesity and metabolic disease in offspring. In addition to her basic science research, she is involved in many clinical studies in the areas of diabetes and obesity, specifically in relation to pregnancy. She is leading a JDRF-funded clinical study investigating the role of biomarkers in predicting preeclampsia in women with type 1 diabetes in pregnancy, and has a particular interest in the management of gestational diabetes in women from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backtrounds. She chairs the Complex Medical Management in Pregnancy Working Group within the Northern Sydney Local Health District.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Chronic kidney disease in offspring of obese mothers is exacerbated by diabetes (#160)
4:30 PM
Sarah Glastras
ADS Pincus Taft Young Investigators Award Session
The Effect Of Maternal Obesity On Glucose Tolerance In Both First And Second Generation Obese Offspring (#247)
2:00 PM
Sarah Glastras
ADS Basic Poster Discussions - Diabetes complications and glucose control