Glen Maberly
Western Sydney Local Health District, NSW, Australia
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.
- Endocrinologist

Professor Glen F Maberly
Senior Staff Specialist Endocrinology
Blacktown and Mt Druitt Hospitals
Program lead
Western Sydney Diabetes Initiative
Western Sydney Local Health District
Dr Glen Maberly is a Senior Staff Specialist Endocrinologist at Blacktown and Mt Druitt Hospitals, and Program Lead Western Sydney Diabetes Initiative at Western Sydney Local Health District.
All his career Glen has focused on fostering public-private-civic partnerships and bring public health evidence based research findings to large scale implementation. Glen Maberly was the founding Director of the Centre for Health Innovation and Partnership (CHIP), March 2009, in the then Sydney West Area Health Service (SWAHS). Previous to that Glen was the founding Executive Director of the Iodine Network, the Flour Fortification Initiative and Rice Fortification Network working with the UN organisations, Global Public Health organisations and agro business to reduce the global burden of vitamin and mineral deficiency in over 120 countries around the world. This is adding billions of IQ points, reducing infant mortality by at least 10 percent in the developing nations and preventing millions of birth defects each year.
Currently he is the driving force behind the Western Sydney Diabetes Initiative. The Western Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD) is a diabetes “hot-spot” and the initiative chaired by the WSLHD CE and Wentwest Ltd (Western Sydney PHN) CEO takes a whole of district approach to preventing the progress of diabetes.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
HbA1C screening in the Emergency Department: Opportunity for better detection, prevention and care. (#335)
2:00 PM
Amanda Hor
ADS Clinical Poster Viewing: Diabetes in Hospital
Building general practice capacity to enhance diabetes care in the community via case conferencing: early findings from Western Sydney Local Health District. (#352)
2:00 PM
Mani Manoharan
ADS Clinical Poster Viewing: Diabetes Care